The following categories do NOT provide lunch so you will need to provide a lunch.
- Holiday Multi-activity
- Holiday Multi-sport
- Holiday Multi-skills
- Holiday Football
- Holiday Gymnastics
- Holiday PA Dance
- Holiday PA Drama
Staying re-fuelled throughout the day is very important for children, so we ask that parents make sure their child brings a full lunchbox (full of healthy snacks) to each day of the Holiday Camp. Note: Please do not pack any food items containing nuts, as some other children may have severe nut allergies.
The following categories do include a lunch as they are programmes funded for children who revive a free school meals (FSM).
- Holiday Activities and Food Multi-activity
- Holiday Activities and Food Multi-skills
We do however advise that they bring a refillable water bottle and if you want to pack your little ones with any snacks do place them into their bag